1 Timothy 4:8
“For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.”
To be disciplined in exercising our physical bodies, we must push ourselves everyday to do more, to be better. We must endure the pain that follows if we want to remain fit but after a while, it becomes routine and though the pain might still be evident, it is no longer bothersome. It becomes so routine that it feels odd when we do not do it, as if we are breaking a law that we ourselves have put in place. In the same way, we must exercise our faith in the Lord on a daily basis to remain in His will for our lives. Our Father strives to have that personal relationship with us, but like any earthly relationship, it takes effort; it takes prayer, reading, and listening to what the Father is conveying to us. Though exercising our physical bodies may give us relief for a short while, spending quality time with the Lord is the remedy for life and the battles we face. There is nothing in this life that could ever compare to the comfort of our Creator and the promise He has given us of eternal life. Spending quality time with the Lord is of the utmost importance because the moment we stop spending time with Him is the moment we stop listening and when we stop listening, we are quick to go back and pick up our body of death. Let us not simply become better sinners, behaving as we did before Christ, but constantly give Him our heart and mind so that we may never lose focus of our end goal. Similarly, just as quickly as we stop exercising our physical body do we lose the muscle we have acquired. Let us never forget the ultimate sacrifice of Christ for His people, continuously being emptied of ourselves and filled with His Holy Spirit through the truth of His word.
This week, I will push myself to read the Word of God at least three times a day to exercise discipline in reading.
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