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Content in the Lord

1 Timothy 6:6-8
“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.”

To be content in the Lord and the promises He has made for His people is to be content in this life because this life without Jesus brings forth nothing. The world is incapable of offering us anything of eternal value and attempting to fill a void only the Father can fill only leaves us empty and craving something or someone more. I always found it strange that I knew He was the only One who was able to release me from my chains of grief and misery but I still sought the infatuation of my fleshly desires instead of seeking Him. I wanted attention from the world, from people who were perfectly content in orchestrating my downfall. Even if I was not receiving good attention, I was still receiving attention. This, in turn, began the reoccurring cycle of pain and suffering due to the selfishness of wanting to do things my own way. Yet, Christ was still eagerly waiting for me to choose Him because regardless of my situation, I was always surrounded by people who loved the Lord and were constantly pouring into me. As a freshman in high school, my english teacher was a christian, my boss at my first job was a christian, and then of course there were the obvious people: my pastor and his wife, my youth leaders, and even my own mom. He was blatantly in front of my face and I still rejected Him. The Lord had given me all the resources He could to save me, but I still chose to fall victim to my flesh because I had genuinely convinced myself that my circumstance would change. This was not the life Christ intended for me to live when He sacrificed His life for me; I was worth so much more than waking up in the morning and wishing I hadn’t. I was enough because Christ was enough for me and the burden of the world could never change that.

This week, I will tune out the world and tune into God by removing secular music from my playlist. 


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