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Love You More

Ephesians 6:1 & Colossians 3:20
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”/“Children, obey your parents            in everything, for this pleases the Lord.”
Although often times, children do not agree with their parents or the standards they have set in place, the Lord has given them a role in which to raise the next generation to live a life for Him. Being a parent requires a healthy balance of His love, discipline, and of course, patience. However, this balance is almost never displayed in the manner in which it should be because despite contrary belief, parents are not perfect and like everyone else, they fall short of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of how well they do in raising their children, making mistakes is inevitable because though they may be wonderful parents, they are still sinners. In this generation especially, christian parents are constantly being blamed for the way their children behave even when it was the child’s choice to fall away. The Lord gives us one commandment regarding our parents and that is to obey them. To obey of course within the realms of the Word of God, but to obey none the less. When we fail to obey, we fail God. People probably assume that because of how highly I talk about my mom that I have always obeyed her. I have always loved my mom, but I have most definitely not always been faithful to obey her. I rebelled in many ways and on many occasions, even to the point where I was removed from her household. By no means does this indicate she failed as a parent or was even in the wrong, but rather it was me assuming that my way was better. My mom had specific rules in place for my benefit, many of which I did not agree with at the time, but as I continue getting older, I am beginning to understand the “why.” My mom did a phenomenal job as a single parent with two children who did not realize the extent of which she went to ensure that we had what we needed, and even more, what we wanted. 

Today, I will tell my mom how much she means to me. 
- i love you more, mom, xo -


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