Galatians 5:13
“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”
To be free in Christ does not mean that we can use our freedom to continue in sin. Yes, Christ’s love is abundant and His grace is sufficient for when we do fall short, but when we surrender our lives we must understand that change is inevitable. As Pastor Mike conveys in his presentation of the potter and the clay, when we surrender our lives, Christ is then able to center us in His perfect will and begin the process of removing the “gunk.” This is the most difficult part because pain and suffering comes with letting go of those things we hold on to that we do not want brought to the surface. However, being honest with God regarding the things we are struggling with is a key component in allowing Him to change us from the inside out, but it begins with us. He is only able to do as much as we allow Him to. Will we surrender to Him the deepest parts of ourselves so that we may begin to become more like Him? Will we consult the support of those who He has placed in our lives? I find it unbelievably challenging to be honest to the Lord or to those around me concerning the very things that bother me. Whether someone has said something or done something that has offended me, I will generally mask it with a smile and continue on. For a girl that is always so seemingly happy on the outside, I sure am miserable on the inside, but how can anyone help me if I do not let my walls fall down? What am I so afraid of? People care, Kaydra, you just have to let them in.
This week, I will reach out to a trusted member of leadership with the aspects of my life that I have been struggling with so that I may bring these issues to light and move on.
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