Hebrews 5:8
“Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered."
Even Jesus walked in obedience. No man goes without it, even the most High. Obedience is something we are taught by authority, but more often than not it is learned by the hardships we suffer through. Jesus, as perfect as He was, understood that in the world, He was just as tempted as everyone else. He needed His Father to stay faithful in His path of obedience. If Jesus needed God, how much more do we need Him? We as christians are just as fallen as the world we live in, the only difference is we have the abundant grace of God, even when we are undeserving. How truthful the statement sinners saved by grace actually is. God knows we are not perfect, in which case John 3:16 reminds us, “He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God sent His Son to save us from ourselves because He knew that we needed a savior, we needed grace. His grace covers a multitude of sins, regardless of how many times we turn away in disobedience. Grace is always enough and if it was not, then there would not be a savior and we would be living for absolutely nothing. I have fallen off the wagon quite a few times, being disobedient and wanting to do things my own way. In my opinion, the most challenging part of being a christian is waiting. Waiting on the Lord for His perfect timing is what causes most people, including myself, to stumble because we would rather do it ourselves in our own timing than wait for His. This, in turn, leads to continued failures because when we decide to do things on our own, disappointment and misery follow.
This week, I will wake up at 5:55AM every morning to practice obedience.
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