Romans 12:6
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
How absolutely amazing that each one of us in IGNITE class 14 brings something entirely different to the table? We all have a variety of different backgrounds, upbringings, personalities, and gifts. But yet, the Lord has called us together in accordance to fulfill a specific purpose for His glory and with such a variety, He is able to accomplish incredible works through us. The things that I excel in, others may be weak in, whereas where I am weak, others may excel. Where someone has a gift of leadership, another has a gift of hospitality. Similarly, when we attempt to force a calling on our own life that the Lord has simply not called us to to, things are bound to get messy. I love nursing, I love every aspect that nursing has to offer, but I have not always enjoyed working in health care. I have so often found myself looking into a different career path because of the attitude I had towards the position I had at the hospital where I was employed. However, since being here, the Lord has confirmed on multiple occasions His gift to me of caring for others and the genuine love I have for those in need, a love that I never realized I had because I was so self absorbed. He has also shown me that just because I left the hospital setting, I will never be able to completely clock out because regardless of where I am, people are always capable of becoming ill or injured. Though caring for others is something I have a gifting in, I have attempted to redirect my life in the direction of teaching. I figured that it was cheaper, easier, and quicker to receive a degree in this area, but the door for this opportunity remained closed. The Lord has an interesting way of keeping me centered in His will for my life and I would rather live in willful submission than spiraling rebellion because His way is for my good anyways.
Today, I will thank the Lord for giving me the gift of caring for others and ask Him to give me the ability to willfully submit to whatever it is that He has planned for my life as far as a career.
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