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Newness of Self

Philippians 3:11
“if by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.”
Everyday is victorious in the Lord because of the ultimate sacrifice of His dying on the cross for my sins. Because of the love He has shown me, there is no length I should not be willing to go to achieve dying to myself, being risen up a new creation in Christ. There are thousands of opportunities presented throughout the day to choose the Lord, but yet, I constantly choose myself. Of course, it is more convenient for me to ignore my teammate in the morning because I woke up aggravated than put my own feelings aside and love her the way Christ has loved me. Of course, it is more convenient for me to hide away in my room after breakfast and place the responsibility of doing dishes onto someone else, but the Lord has called me to be a bondservant. Although acting in anger, selfishness, and the many other sins I have fallen into is not of the Lord, I do not have to walk in defeat because He has already overcome on the cross. However, the choice to walk in His victory is always mine as I am able to decide what path I want to be centered on: mine or His. In my own strength, I am incapable of accomplishing anything for anyone other than my own fleshly desires. This, in turn, only leads me down a path of destruction and emptiness where the bonds I am bound to are only strengthened and my walk with the Lord suffers. However, with Christ, all things are possible as He gives me the ability to walk in newness of self, in the Spirit of life, and the chains in which I have been bound to are broken; I am set free. Dying to self is a daily, moment by moment choice and by doing so, I am able to put my desires, needs, and wants aside to fulfill the purpose He has placed on my life for my good and His glory. 

Today, I will wash the dishes after breakfast.


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