Colossians 4:6
“Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”
We all seek improvement, we all seek to be better. When we find fault, so often times we attempt to become better in our own strength rather than laying our flaws down at the feet of Jesus. We assume that because the Lord has revealed a certain flaw to us that we need to fix it, but rather He wants us to come to Him at street level, broken, and willing to allow Him to be the vine in which His fruit flows from. Recently, the Lord has revealed to me the extent of negativity that I allow to flow from my lips into the ears of those around me. Hostile and cruel, I find myself responding in a way and a manner that is simply not glorifying to the Lord. I wish so desperately to have a humbled tongue, one that does not feel the need to respond to every comment with a seemingly bitter heart. But, Jesus says I do not need to wish, I just need to find myself in Him. When I find myself in Him, I am victorious in this area of weakness, because it is no longer me who dwells, but He who dwells in me, a victory that simply cannot be acquired by any other means. I soon find myself responding in love when I need to respond in love and the Lord humbling me when I do not need to respond at all. Of course, finding myself in Jesus is not a one time thing, but a constant surrender of what my flesh wants for what my spirit needs. If I strive after what my flesh wants, I am not broken before the Lord but attempting to be someone He has not given me the strength to be. So, Lord, let me be broken before You, being cleansed in Your blood and walking refreshed. Refreshed knowing that I do not have to attempt self-improvement, that I only need to reach for you. Let me rest assured in Your divine promises, that if I simply fall on my face in sincerity, You will be everything I need to overcome what overcomes me.
Today, I will apologize to my teammates with whom I have not kept short accounts with.
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