II Timothy 3:12
“Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
Persecution comes in many different and sometimes hidden forms as it has for me during this past week. However, like Paul, I was not called to an easy life, I was called to a better life, a life that will stretch me into the likeness of Jesus Christ. For this likeness to take place, I must be removed of “self” and continuously filled with His Holy Spirit. A hardy process indeed because dying to self, as I have come to realize, is not in my nature. I want what I want when I want it because in my flesh, my life is all about me. Dying to self inquires having no rights because dead men have no rights, they are dead. This means they do not complain, they do not fight back. When I began Potter’s Field in January, I was only a witness to what I thought would be loss and I was hesitant to surrender because I knew that pain and suffering would inevitably follow. I wanted to live godly but I was fearful of what would happen if I actually allowed God to move. I was fearful of removing myself from the picture because I thought I found comfort in my miserable life that had no purpose other than living for myself. However, slowly but surely during my first few months of field time, the Lord began to soften my heart of stone and I found myself being centered on the Potter’s wheel. He began removing the “gunk” that kept me in bondage to a past of hurt, and He has allowed me to take captive the lies of the enemy who whispers in my ear that I am not beautiful, that I am not good enough and instead, He has filled me each and every day with the Truth. I have found humility in a life of constantly choosing to die to myself because I know that the Lord’s plan is much, much better than my own. This means that in the thick of the battle and even in the calm of the waves, I must choose Him; I must walk in the Spirit to reap the harvest of blessings that have already been laid out for me by the Author and Finisher of my faith.
Today, I will approach a teammate and apologize for the bitterness in my heart that has accumulated towards them.
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